Results and absence.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Yo kiddies out there. After a period of silence on our funster's blog. I've picked up the reins again and decided to post! Many cheers. I know you missed our awesomeness.

Okay, artificial ego aside. Its been fun.

The three funsters.

Wayne(myself): Do I need to really say this? My power is maximum.

Binster: So, hope you'll enjoy your JC1 Life.... While you can.

Lehster: Don't ever become a hooligan, we'll kick you out of our clique.

So, in another 11 hours or so, we all will know of the 'O' levels results. I do hope I'll score well.

If I do, life will be purrfeecctt

At any rate, we apologise for being such a lazy bloggers. It is all due to binster going overseas, Stanley's school commencing and waynester's many busy schedules.

We hope to blog again sometime soon.

So watch this page.

I know you all do.~

Entry by Why are we so lovable?

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Since Monday, January 12, 2009